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Forum Posts

Jul 29, 2021
In Estimating America Community
One of the few things Sigma lacks is a dashboard of current estimates: due dates, links to the estimates, estimator name, etc. Well here is an interesting work around. Many users do not know that all of the info and tabs on the Front page in Sigma can be edited, and it can do many cool things. But a word of caution: don't start making changes until you have copied all the script to a word file so you can restore it when you changes don't work. I'm speaking from experience here. Go to the Front page tab in Sigma and right click anywhere and click Edit script to open the editor. Right click anywhere in the editor and click on Select All, then copy and paste somewhere safe. Now the fun starts. In the editor, scroll down to about line 223 - should look like this: On line 224, copy and paste this: (it will put the button right below the Project Note box) AddSpace(30); AddHeader("This button will open your excel dashboard"); SetControlAlignment("Left"); ShowButton("","Open"); if ControlActivated() then Commands.Execute("C:\Users\willc\Documents\SigmaFiles\dashboard.xlsx"); Replace the text in yellow with the file manager address of the file you want to open. Click Save script and close the editor. Mine opens a simple excel dashboard of the bids I'm working on: And of course in that excel file I've made links to the Sigma files for each estimate, so I can open Sigma from the dashboard. Post any questions or comments. If you are going to do a lot of scripting I recommend Notepad++, a great free editor.
Estimating Dashboard from the Front Page content media
Apr 08, 2021
In Estimating America Community
Can I create a template for use in the constants?


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